Blueberry Citrus Cake

I've been craving blueberries lately, and although it is not the season for them, I ended up buying a few trays of them to enjoy. After a hectic work week, I was so happy that my weekend was wide open for some much needed baking therapy. I turned to one of my favorite white cake recipes and decided to mix in a few blueberries to make things more interesting. I added some citrus flavoring that I'd been wanting to try, Fiori di Sicilia. As it turns out, a little goes a long way, because any hint of blueberry flavor in the cakes was overpowered by more of a creamsicle flavor. The cake was still tasty, though, and I had fun putting them together. I used some Bonne Maman blueberry preserves to make a blueberry glaze for the cake. After using a fine mesh sieve to remove the seeds, I added the preserves to the buttercream to add a beautiful purple tint to the frosting. Next time I use blueberries in cake, I'll leave out the citrus flavoring and let the natural blueberry flavor come through.

Bonne Maman Wild Blueberry Preserves

Bonne Maman Wild Blueberry Preserves